Airplanes SQL Solutions
- What are the names and locations of all airports in Portugal? (name, city)
SELECT name, city FROM Airport WHERE country = 'Portugal';
- What are the names of all planes with version DC-10? (name)
SELECT name FROM Plane JOIN Model ON Plane.modelcod = Model.modelcod WHERE version = 'DC-10';
SELECT name FROM Plane JOIN Model USING(modelcod) WHERE version = 'DC-10';
SELECT name FROM Plane, Model WHERE Plane.modelcod = Model.modelcod AND version = 'DC-10';
- How many engines does each plane have? (plane_name, number)
SELECT name, engines FROM plane JOIN model ON plane.modelcod = Model.modelcod;
- How many flights with a 2 or 3 hour duration are there in the database? (number)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Flight WHERE duration = 2 OR duration = 3;
- What plane models have a version starting with A3? (modelcod, version)
SELECT modelcod, version FROM Model WHERE version LIKE 'A3%';
- What is the code and duration of all flights. Sort the answer from longest to shortest flight. If two flights have the same duration, sort them by flight code from smallest to largest (flightcod, duration).
SELECT flightcod, duration FROM Flight ORDER BY duration DESC, flightcod;
- Knowing that there are no direct flights from airport 1 (Porto) to airport 12 (London), which 2 legged flights can we use to travel between those airports? (flightcod1, flightcod2, intermediate_airport_code)
Note: Use the airports codes (1 and 12) instead of the airport names in your query.SELECT F1.flightcod AS flightcod1, F2.flightcod AS flightcod2, F1.toairportcod AS intermediate_airport_code FROM Flight AS F1 JOIN Flight AS F2 ON F1.toairportcod = F2.fromairportcod WHERE F1.fromairportcod = 1 AND F2.toairportcod = 12;
- How many airports are there in each country? Sort the answer in ascending order. (country, number)?
SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country ORDER BY n_airports;
- What is the flight code, origin city and destination city of all flights in the database? Sort the answer by flight code. (flightcod, origin, destination)
SELECT flightcod, AS origin, AS destination FROM Flight JOIN Airport AS A1 ON Flight.fromairportcod = A1.airportcod JOIN Airport AS A2 ON Flight.toairportcod = A2.airportcod ORDER BY flightcod;
- What are the flight codes of all flights from Porto to Lisboa. (flightcod)? Note: Your query should use the city names, not the airport codes.
SELECT flightcod FROM Flight JOIN Airport AS A1 ON Flight.fromairportcod = A1.airportcod JOIN Airport AS A2 ON Flight.toairportcod = A2.airportcod WHERE = 'Porto' AND = 'Lisboa';
- How many airports are there in each country? (country, number);
Show only countries with more than 2 airports.SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country HAVING n_airports > 2;
- What country, or countries, has more airports and how many? (country, number)
SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country HAVING n_airports = ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country ORDER BY n_airports DESC LIMIT 1 );
SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country HAVING n_airports = ( SELECT MAX(n_airports) FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS n_airports FROM Airport GROUP BY country ) );
- How many actual planes are there for each plane model. Sort the result so that least frequent models appear last (make, version, number).
Note: You do not need to show models that do not have planes.SELECT make, version, COUNT(*) as n_planes FROM Model JOIN Plane ON Model.modelcod = Plane.modelcod GROUP BY Model.modelcod ORDER BY n_planes DESC;
- How many actual planes are there for each plane model. Sort the result so that least frequent models appear last (make, version, number).
Note: Also show models that do not have planes.SELECT make, version, COUNT(planecod) as n_planes FROM Model LEFT JOIN Plane ON Model.modelcod = Plane.modelcod GROUP BY Model.modelcod ORDER BY n_planes DESC;
(Credits: André Restivo