1. List the students in the database. (num, name)
    SELECT *
    FROM student
  2. In which courses did the student with number 4 enrolled? (ref, year, name)
    SELECT ref, year, name
    FROM course JOIN enrollment USING (ref)
    WHERE num = 4
  3. In which courses did Michael enroll? (ref, year, name)
    SELECT ref, year, course.name
     student JOIN
     enrollment USING (num) JOIN
     course USING(ref)
    WHERE student.name = 'Michael'

    4) How many students are enrolled in the 2007 edition of the SINF course? (total)

    FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
    WHERE name = 'SINF' AND year = 2007

    5) What was the average grade in the first exam of the 2008 edition of the SINF course? (average)

    SELECT ROUND(AVG(grade1), 2)
    FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
    WHERE name = 'SINF' AND year = 2008

    6) Which students went to the first SINF exam but did not go to the second one in 2007? (num, name)

    SELECT num, student.name
    FROM student JOIN
     enrollment USING (num) JOIN
     course USING(ref)
    WHERE course.name = 'SINF' AND
     year = 2007 AND
     grade1 IS NOT NULL AND
     grade2 IS NULL

    7) Which students scored higher in the second exam than in the first one in the 2007 edition of the SINF course? (num, name)

    SELECT num, student.name
     student JOIN
     enrollment USING (num) JOIN
     course USING(ref)
    WHERE course.name = 'SINF' AND
     year = 2007 AND
     grade1 < grade2

    8) For each course, list the average grade of both exams in all editions. (ref, name, average1, average2)

    SELECT course.name, ROUND(AVG(grade1),2), ROUND(AVG(grade2),2)
    FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
    GROUP BY course.ref

    9) For each course and year, list the average grade of both exams. (ref, name, year, average1, average2)

    SELECT course.name, year, ROUND(AVG(grade1),2), ROUND(AVG(grade2),2)
    FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
    GROUP BY course.ref, year

    10) What was the higher grade, considering both exams, obtained in the SINF course? (grade)

    --coalesce function will return the first non-null argument:
     MAX(COALESCE(grade1, grade2), COALESCE(grade2, grade1) )
    FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
    WHERE name = 'SINF'

    11) Who got that grade? (num, name)

Original solution:

SELECT num, student.name
	student JOIN
	enrollment USING (num) JOIN
	course USING(ref)
WHERE course.name = 'SINF' AND
	MAX(COALESCE(grade1,grade2), COALESCE(grade2, grade1)) IN (
		SELECT MAX(MAX(COALESCE(grade1,grade2), COALESCE(grade2, grade1)))
		FROM enrollment JOIN course USING(ref)
		WHERE name = 'SINF'

2019/2020 Solutions:

-- Who got that grade? (num, name)

select student.num, student.name as name, grade1, grade2, course.name
from enrollment
join course on course.ref = enrollment.ref
join student on enrollment.num = student.num
	grade1 =
			select max( max(e1.grade1), max(e1.grade2))
			from enrollment e1
			join course c1
			on e1.ref = c1.ref
			where c1.name = "SINF"
	grade2 =
			select max( max(e2.grade1), max(e2.grade2))
			from enrollment e2
			join course c2
			on e2.ref = c2.ref
			where c2.name = "SINF"

or (ridiculously long query, just for laughs)

-- Who got that grade? (num, name)
-- "The copy-paste train"

select *
	select student.num, student.name as name, grade1, grade2
	from enrollment e1
	join course on course.ref=e1.ref
	join student on e1.num=student.num
	course.name = 'SINF'
	and grade1 is not null and grade1 = (
		select max(grade)
			select grade1 as grade
			from enrollment e2
			join course c2
			on e2.ref=c2.ref
			where c2.name = 'SINF'


			select grade2 as grade
			from enrollment e3
			join course c3
			on e3.ref=c3.ref
			where c3.name = 'SINF'
	select student.num, student.name as name, grade1, grade2
	from enrollment e2
	join course on course.ref=e2.ref
	join student on e2.num=student.num
	course.name = 'SINF'
	and grade2 is not null and grade2 = (
		select max(grade)
			select grade1 as grade
			from enrollment e2
			join course c2
			on e2.ref=c2.ref
			where c2.name = 'SINF'


			select grade2 as grade
			from enrollment e3
			join course c3
			on e3.ref=c3.ref
			where c3.name = 'SINF'

(Credits: André Restivo https://web.fe.up.pt/~arestivo)