Clinic SQL Solutions
- List the physicians working in the clinic? (name)
SELECT name FROM physician
- List the names and addresses of the patients? (name, address)
SELECT name, address FROM patient
- List the dates of all appointments of patient 12345? (date)
SELECT DISTINCT date FROM appointment WHERE code = '12345'
- What are the existing conditions in the database in alphabetical order? (designation)
SELECT designation FROM condition ORDER BY designation
- What patients were seen on January 1, 2007? (number, name)
SELECT DISTINCT code, name FROM appointment JOIN patient USING (code) WHERE date = '2007-01-01'
- What conditions were diagnosed in appointment number 456? (designation)
SELECT designation FROM diagnosed JOIN condition USING (ref) WHERE num = 456
- How many appointments took place on January 1, 2007? (number)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM appointment WHERE date = '2007-01-01'
- How many times was each room used? (room, number)
SELECT room, COUNT(*) FROM appointment GROUP BY room
- How many times was each room used by the physician with number 99030? (room, number)
SELECT room, COUNT(*) FROM appointment WHERE number = '99030' GROUP BY room
- How many times was each room used by the physician Luca Moore? (room, number)
SELECT room, COUNT(*) as number FROM appointment join physician using(number) WHERE name = 'Luca Moore' GROUP BY room;
- What rooms were used more than twice on 1 January 2007? (room)
SELECT room FROM appointment WHERE date = '2007-01-01' GROUP BY room HAVING COUNT(*) > 2
- What are the three most used rooms in that same day? (room)
SELECT room FROM appointment WHERE date = '2007-01-01' GROUP BY room HAVING COUNT(*) IN ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM appointment WHERE date = '2007-01-01' GROUP BY room ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 3 )
- What conditions have been diagnosed for patient 12345? (designation)
SELECT DISTINCT designation FROM appointment JOIN diagnosed USING(num) JOIN condition USING (ref) WHERE code = '12345'
- What patients have been diagnosed conditions that have also been diagnosed for patient 12345? (name)
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM appointment JOIN diagnosed USING(num) JOIN patient USING (code) WHERE ref IN ( SELECT ref FROM appointment JOIN diagnosed USING(num) WHERE code = '12345' )
(Credits: André Restivo