name: inverse
layout: true
class: center, middle, inverse
.indexlink[[<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up"></i>](#) [<i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i>](#index) <a href="#" class="color"><i class="fa fa-tint"></i></a>]
name: top
layout: true
class: top, left
.indexlink[[<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up"></i>](#) [<i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i>](#index) <a href="#" class="color"><i class="fa fa-tint"></i></a>]
name: normal
layout: true
class: left, middle
.indexlink[[<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-up"></i>](#) [<i class="fa fa-list-ul"></i>](#index) <a href="#" class="color"><i class="fa fa-tint"></i></a>]
name: uml
## Data Manipulation Language
Gonçalo Gonçalves
.footnote[-- original slides by <a target=_blank href="">André Restivo</a>]
name: index
# Index
<!-- .indexpill[[Introduction](#intro)] -->
name: insert
template: inverse
class: middle, center
# Inserting
# Inserting
To insert values into a table, we use the **INSERT** command:
INSERT INTO <tablename> (<col1>, <col2>, ...) VALUES (<val1>, <val2>, ...);
INSERT INTO Employee (id, name, salary) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 1000);
# Inserting
We can omit the column names if we insert the values in the same order we used to create the table columns.
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 1000);
name: delete
template: inverse
class: middle, center
# Deleting
# Deleting
* To delete value from a table, we use the **DELETE** command.
* The delete command can receive a **condition** specifying **which rows to delete**.
* If **no condition** is given **all rows are deleted** from the table.
* If there are foreign keys, the rule set by the **ON DELETE** clause is used.
* The condition can be as complex as those used on the **SELECT** command.
DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE <condition>;
# Deleting - Examples
Delete employee with id 1:
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE id = 1;
Delete all employees:
Delete employees with salary greater than or equal to 1200:
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE salary >= 1200;
name: update
template: inverse
class: middle, center
# Updating
# Updating
* To modify values from a table, we use the **UPDATE** command.
* The update command can receive a **condition** specifying **which rows to update**.
* If **no condition** is given **all rows are updated** from the table.
* If there are foreign keys, the rule set by the **ON UPDATE** clause is used.
* The condition can be as complex as those used on the **SELECT** command.
* New values can be calculated on the fly.
UPDATE <tablename> SET <col1> = <val1>, <col2> = <val2>, ... WHERE <condition>;
# Updating - Examples
Change the salary of employee 1 to 1300:
UPDATE Employee SET salary = 1300 WHERE id = 1;
Increase the salary of employee 1 by 10%:
UPDATE Employee SET salary = salary * 1.1 WHERE id = 1;
Increase the salary of all employees by 10%:
UPDATE Employee SET salary = salary * 1.1;
Decrease the salary and taxes of all employees with a salary larger than 1200 by 10%:
UPDATE Employee SET salary = salary * 0.9, taxes = taxes * 0.9
WHERE salary > 1200;